December 18th, 2001:
Okay, so I didn't get the story up on the weekend like I promised. I've discovered that trying to do anything on Tripod on a Sunday is not such a good idea. To make a long story short, I couldn't log in on Sunday and Monday was spent Christmas shopping which brings me to today and now the story is finally up on the Legends of The Sentinel page. I'm really looking forward to hearing what people really think of it, so be sure to either sign the Guestbook or send me an e-mail, okay?
December 14th, 2001:
Well, it's taken me forever and a day but I finally have the first installment of my Legends of The Sentinel storyline. I know it's not up on the page right now, but it will be this weekend. The story is a little dark and somber for the holidays, but I did write it over three months ago. I'm looking forward to hearing what people really think of it. I'll be back on the weekend. See you then!!
November 3rd, 2001:
Since Remembrance Day is just around the corner, I put up a Remembrance Day Page dedicated to the men and women of the world who fought and died for the peace and freedom we all share today. And on that happy note, I will be going away for short while so I'm going to be leaving the care of the Castle to Colleen. I should be back in six to eight months. If I manage to get anything more done between now and then, it will be up before I go. All depends on how much work I get done this weekend.
September 2nd, 2001:
Not a lot to report today. Just general updating of the web pages so that it doesn't look like we left all kinds of cobwebs in the corners of the pages or stuff like that. I know I sound like a broken record but the story is almost done. At least, it's almost done to the point where I don't mind sharing it with the general public such as yourselves.
August 26th, 2001:
Greetings and salutations once again. Well here it is, a new entry only eight months old. Imagine that. Many situations beyond my control have helped to contribute to my lack of time to update and/or add things to the Castle. That new story I was working on? Well, I still have it and I'm still working on it. I did manage to get a couple of new pictures up on the Biography Page, so I guess I'm not a total lost cause. I hope to have a few new ones up by the end of the week. Time has not been very kind to me. *L* Until next time, take care and be well.