Before anyone gets too offended or freaked out, no, I did not write the short stories listed below. So where did I get them all, you ask? Well, I got them all from people sending me various chain-mails through e-mail. You know which ones I'm talking about. The e-mails that tell you must forward the message to hundreds of people in order for good luck to happen or meeting your true love or ridding yourself of that sixth toe, whatever the case may be.
While most people would frown upon this practise, I must admit that there have been several of these stories that I caught my attention and I really enjoyed reading them. So instead of cluttering your mailbox with these little gems, I put them here for you to read at your leisure.
They may not move you as much as they did me, but they certainly do make you stop and think, or they even make you laugh a little, which is something everyone should do once in a while. After all, humour is the best medicine. One never knows what you might discover in a moment of looking inward.
| Charles Shultz Tribute | Dance Like No One's Watching | The Diver | Eleven Things You Didn't Learn In High School | The Fence | Five Great Lessons | Footprints |Good Friends | Ice Cream For The Soul | If I Had My Life To Live Over |Impressions |
| Inspiration For The Day | Integrity of Ugly | Interview With God | Is Your Cup Half Full? |The Jaguar | Lil BDSM Humour | Little Tidbits of Life | The Littlest Fireman | Monthly One-Liners | Only A Mother... | Only In Canada.... |
| Paradox of Our Time | Part of My Life | Perspectives | Signs You May Be Too Canadian | Slow Dance | The Starfish | Stop and Smell The Roses | Strength Of A Man | Stupid People | Submissive's Prayer |
| Tantra | Ten Rules For Dating My Daughter | Tomorrow | Temperature Conversion Chart | Tribute To The United States | Unsung Heroes | We Are Not The Lost Generation | What Interests Me.... | When God Created Peace Officers | White Roses | Words of Wisdom | You Know You're Canadian When.... |