16 June 2006:
Well, well, well....here we are six months into 2006 and I'm only now getting around to telling you what's new and improved here at Kyoto Castle. I wish I could say lots but the truth is I haven't had the time or the inclination to do so for the longest time. My separation is over and we have filed for divorce, which should be finalized around the middle of July, maybe even sooner. So that's why the Castle hasn't had any new additions since January. However, with the upcoming move and job change, on my days off, I hope to start writing again as I have received some literary help from the amazing woman I call my Mate while others call her my girlfriend.
I'd like to stay and babble some more but I have work to do, a house to sell, and junk to throw out. *L* Until next time, peace and long life to you and yours and I hope you return again soon.